Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 and a bit weeks to go

Have to count down from 7 weeks now for different reasons and I am hoping that my running will be able to remain consistent enough to be able to keep me distracted enough!

So my body gave up after Brass Monkey.  Too much too soon.  Didn't finish Jantastic and didn't register for Febulous.  The reason - I need something to DEmotivate me not motivate me!  If I have a target for something like that I am too bloody minded to take a rest when I need to and will get out and run no matter how I am feeling.  Either that or beat myself up about it.  Hence being sensible.  Well, sensible for me and not having a schedule to keep to.

I have had achilles problems since January when I upped my runs and I also managed to pick up a cold and chesty cough.  So, I had to back it off and rethink London.

New training plan:

  • Tuesday - run club.  I had decided to not go except for the first of the month runs because it's too difficult to do what you need to do for a schedule when somebody else is deciding the run.  I don't have the luxury that some people have of being able to do different runs at different times.  As a full time working mum, with no childcare options most of the time, I have limited time and have to do what I need to do when I can.  However, run club will be some running and I get to see my friends too. :)
  • Thursday - medium run.  K is at Guides on a Thursday evening so I have almost two hours to run.  I am thinking of 8 to 10 miles each week depending on how I feel.
  • Saturday - parkrun.  Just short run.  Maybe a bit quicker.  I will see how tired I am.
  • Sunday - Long run day.  Start this week with 14 then 16, 18, 20, 22, 18.  That plan means I have to miss Trimpell 20, but hey ho.
So, my schedule involves some running 4 times a week.  Not much compared with my normal running schedule which told me exactly how many miles and what speed I needed to be.  My Garmin was even programmed to beep at me when I went too fast or slow!  But, I need to get to London.  John is flying back from Abu Dhabi to support me; my parents have booked accommodation to come down and support me.  No pressure there then!  

I have to do London.  There is no choice.  Now get moving girl....