Sunday, April 10, 2011

Denial and lists

So here I am with one week to go until London.  I am definitely in denial.  It's not happening!  Brain will not let me believe that I am running a marathon in 7 days.

I have been making lists because of our Dubai/Abu Dhabi visit.  K has had three lots of packing to do and I have two.  So the lists have been made...

Now, the eagle eyed ones of you will spot that most of this list is written in pencil, but a few items are added on at the end in pen ie not on the original list.  Some of you who know me well will now be passed out on the floor when you saw what I left off... MY GARMIN!  That thing that has governed my running since I got it two and a half years ago.  Hmmm.  Not entirely sure what that says about my mental state going into this race...

Had a lecture from my mum this week as she tried to persuade me not to run.  Not done enough training, been ill with flu, look at how long you were ill after Edinburgh, shaking for a month etc etc.  It didn't work as she knew it wouldn't.  I am doing this race even though I am not totally in race frame of mind.  More run and hopefully fun :)

Had a good run at parkrun yesterday.  Ended up running with Helen, who despite being four months pregnant made the run look easy whilst I was huffing and puffing and feeling sick on the last lap.  She really kept me going though and it was nice to have someone to run with.  It was also nice to see my time was 25:37.  Whilst this is not quick, it is the fastest I have been able to run since November, so that's fab.

So in a week's time it will just about be over.  I know where the cheering points will be so know where my mum and dad will be.  I have just sorted out a GPS tracking device so that John can see whereabouts I am on the course and hopefully get there.  Hopefully I will manage to remember to pack everything I need for my adventure.

Roll on Friday and then roll on Sunday...

GOOD LUCK to all my friends who are also running London on Sunday x

PS If you can spare a pound or so to support my chosen charity - Breakthrough Breast Cancer, that would be great.  Loads of women now survive, but I know of several more who won't.  Still a long way to go folks! Thank you.

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