Sunday, May 23, 2010

47 weeks to go

Hmm.  Back at work last week = very tired = too tired to write blog.

It was tough being back at work.  There are so many steps in the building and I was just so tired.  Being up at 8pm is a luxury at the moment as I am normally tucked up in bed and drifting off. 

I finally abandoned the crutches just over a week ago.  It was a lack of confidence making me keep them, but I can walk without them.  I found myself limping for the first few days, but a physio visit soon sorted that out.  I can do up stairs properly, but down I can't do yet without landing heavily. 

One thing that I have found is that I can actually put my heel down when I am walking.  It is amazing that I can do this without even having to think about it after so many years of walking on my toes and not being able to force my heel down even when told I must.  I wonder if my running style will be different when I am finally allowed to start running again.  Will I still be able to run on my toes?

Physio has been great.  I have had my muscles loosened and loads of exercises to do.  I have to start to build my glutes and calfs back up again now.  I am trying desperately to get my balance right because I have no balance on my right leg.  This lack of balance is still causing me to land heavily on my left leg.  My achilles is very sore at the moment. 

My mood has slipped with not being able to exercise.  I walked to the shop today rather than get the bus just so I could do some exercise because I felt quite down.  Still, only two weeks to go until I can hopefully get going again - although it may be longer because my knee still hurts :( 

Apart from work, there hasn't been time for much.  The PECO BBQ was great fun and it was nice to spend time with my running friends.  I am still getting to parkrun every Saturday morning to cheer people on.  It keeps me at least a little bit involved and allows me to see people.

Right, it's 6:20 so it's almost bed time now - night night!