Sunday, May 9, 2010

49 weeks to go

Tough week this week.

Tried using no crutches at home.  Fine apart from stairs.  I tried to go up and down them on my own, but it hurt.

I have been really feeling it not being able to run and in considerable pain on occasions probably due to trying to do too much.  Wednesday I found myself in tears on and off throughout the day and was desperate for my endorphin fix.  Kept having to remind myself that this small amount of time was nothing in comparison with the amount of time it would let me run afterwards.

Thursday I started to panic that it hadn't worked.  My knee was clicking and sticking and also hurting when I tried to do some of the exercises.

Friday was physio day.  I got told off for using two crutches and am only allowed one when outside.  I can walk without them, it's just a complete lack of confidence.  I was walking very stiff legged at the beginning of my session, but she soon sorted that out.  I have more exercises to do including balancing on one leg (which I am still useless at!) and side stepping.  I also have to do the heel rolls exercise which is really hard for me to do when I can't put my heel down.  This is, surprisingly, easier now since the op.  My knee is clicking because my muscles have turned to mush and not keeping it in line to track properly.  I am walking better and can manage stairs providing I put both feet on each step, but it is so tiring.

Sunday was Leeds Half.  Loads of run club members running and marshalling.  Little K did the junior race and did FAB.  She finished the 2.5km in 11:01 minutes which is brilliant!  After, we went to a wonderful marathon party celebration.  I love my running family!  I am now very very tired and although I haven't done much today, it has completely worn me out...

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