Sunday, May 2, 2010

50 weeks to go.

This week has been about getting my leg moving and accepting a few horrible things.
  • On advice from T, it is looking like racing is out for this year.  GNR is the only one I have entered - shame it is the most expensive! 
  • I cannot do as much as I want to be able to do because I end up with a very sore leg and sleeping about a million hours if I do try to do a few things. 
  • A 10 minute walk currently takes me 30 minutes.
I have been at home this week.  I have forced myself to make use of my time and write some reports which will free up a bit of time at a later date.  I have also made sure that I have done my exercises 3 or 4 times each day. 

Wednesday was one week down the line and I tried to start to use just one crutch.  I managed okay until I went out for a coffee with AL in the afternoon and despite having my foot up in the cafe, still needed two crutches to hobble around Asda because my leg hurt so much.  It's soooo frustrating.

Thursday I decided to do a few bits to the club website and set up our new domain.  Caught up with points for the championship as well.

Friday I went to physio and was pleased that she was pleased with how my leg was mending.  I had a better range of motion than she thought I would have.  I can walk easily using two crutches without putting much weight on them, but go down to one crutch and I am limping.  Very strange!  Later walked to get K from Brownies and a 10 minute walk took me 30 mins.  Hmmm.

Saturday it was lovely because H came and picked us up and took us to parkrun.  Great to see everyone again.  Took some photos on my new camera and tested out the zoom which was great.  Took K to the new swimming pool and she liked it.  It will be the first club run from there on Tuesday.  It will be interesting to see how many people stay with us. 

After going to the pool, K and I went into town and despite a broken walk of 5 minutes, I was exhausted and in agony by the time we got home.  Leg up for the rest of the day.

So I now have 50 weeks to go and hopefully will be able to start some exercise in 4 to 6 weeks.  Must keep going with rehabilitation exercises if I am going to stand any chance of this.
(still looking a bit manky!)